This isn't related to the NBA. But it's about sports and BBQ, and that's 3/4s of the way to Moonball.
When I was working at the Vikings/Cardinals game this weekend I was finishing up and heading back to the video booth after the Childress post-game press conference. The closer I got, the better it smelled -- which is unusual, because the Dome usually smells like stale beer spilled a decade ago, mixed with decaying Dome Dogs that even the rats under the bleachers couldn't find.
Arizona players were walking down the hall with stacks of styrofoam containers, and even though they lost the game...they weren't hanging their heads too far. It just smelled so damn good.
There by the locker room was a huge line of hot trays and some catering staff, dishing out the goods. The smell was mouth-watering -- like heaven, roasted in a pit.
I spoke to the BBQ chef, and his name was Jim Muse. When Denny Green coached the Vikes, Muse cooked for the team. I don't know if Muse cooks for the team anymore, but he was apparently invited back to cook for the Cardinals.
At the time, Green said, "So many guys in the National Football League are young, and a lot of them are single....If we didn't offer this, then they'll be eating fast food, clearly. That's what young guys do. That's one: the nutrition factor."
I never thought I was eating barbeque for the health benefits. But, whatever coach says. If you are looking to have the Dennis Green physique, go get yourself some barbeque.
Here is a link to Jim Muse's website. If you're ever having an event catered in Minnesota, definitely give the man a call.