The Moonball Blog

Monday, November 27, 2006

I shed no tears

Poor Ben.

Ben could have worn the head band in Detroit, but with the production he's put up so far, I'm not sure he would be worth even the $48 million Joe D was offering.

I'll always keep the fond memories, but appreciate the fact that he's living out his premature NBA dotage on another squad.

What's up with Skiles requiring guys to tape their ankles? That's a weird one...

Denny Green's Metrodome BBQ

This isn't related to the NBA. But it's about sports and BBQ, and that's 3/4s of the way to Moonball.

When I was working at the Vikings/Cardinals game this weekend I was finishing up and heading back to the video booth after the Childress post-game press conference. The closer I got, the better it smelled -- which is unusual, because the Dome usually smells like stale beer spilled a decade ago, mixed with decaying Dome Dogs that even the rats under the bleachers couldn't find.

Arizona players were walking down the hall with stacks of styrofoam containers, and even though they lost the game...they weren't hanging their heads too far. It just smelled so damn good.

There by the locker room was a huge line of hot trays and some catering staff, dishing out the goods. The smell was mouth-watering -- like heaven, roasted in a pit.

I spoke to the BBQ chef, and his name was Jim Muse. When Denny Green coached the Vikes, Muse cooked for the team. I don't know if Muse cooks for the team anymore, but he was apparently invited back to cook for the Cardinals.

At the time, Green said, "So many guys in the National Football League are young, and a lot of them are single....If we didn't offer this, then they'll be eating fast food, clearly. That's what young guys do. That's one: the nutrition factor."

I never thought I was eating barbeque for the health benefits. But, whatever coach says. If you are looking to have the Dennis Green physique, go get yourself some barbeque.

Here is a link to Jim Muse's website. If you're ever having an event catered in Minnesota, definitely give the man a call.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Long range from the base line, swish

Ramblings from the mind of a lefty, liberal, devil-worshiping, pot-smoking, gay-loving, conspiracy-therorist, sports fan.

Thought bubbles while watching the Celtics (aka the Suckdicks) blow out the Pacers; despite nothin but love, Larry Bird looked nothin but irritated and inconvenienced when the Boston crowd gave the Ledgend a 4 min. stading O. After a couple minutes L.B. begrudged the mass-holes and half-stood, fluttering his hand above his head as if to say "enough already" rather than "thanks and nice to see you all again." Despite the grand larceny of Walter Berry's nic-name, Paul Pierce is the Manwich of NBA small forwards. Despite helping the C's to victory I winced every time 'Saving Private' Ryan Gomes got another Moonball point for my sworn enemy, Huskers. I currently have 27 sworn enemies. Huskers became one when he refused to trade me Chris Duhon for Chris Bosh. Other enemies include: Lucas Rossi, the New York Jets secondary, Mit Romney and the creators of those "Beatrice" comercials during the '84 Olympics.

Sergio Rodriguez is fun to watch. He needs to beef-up a bit so can make a contested lay-up and play defense but he is a wonderful creator with the pill.

Don't call me a Republican but I like the new no-complaining rule. Players actually seem more focused. The Bird man once got teched out of a game with Wayne Gretzky in attentance. He expressed remorse that he did not put on a show for the Great One but he did not blame the ref. Keep your head in the game ballers you never know who may be watching.

Where the heart lives : part 1
Hoops holds a special place in my life, in my make up. The creativity, the team work, the running, jumping hutsle of it all attracted me from the get go. In no small part I credit Red for inspiring this love affair. It has been an emotional couple weeks for Monkeyshoes as I reflect on the man and his legacy.



Friday, November 10, 2006

Rage Against the Machines

A little off the topic of NBA, but compelling nonetheless:

Some of you may know Steve Young who lived on 4th Goodhue with us during our freshman year. I've been in a few bands with him over the years, including our current band Strainer.

Well, Steve's brother just got into some election day trouble out in Allentown, PA. Heroic? In vain? Perhaps he was the cosmic tipping point. We'll never know.

Steve's proud of his brother's political protest, but a little mad at his lack of forethought, him being in jail and the family cat still in his apartment.

So, if the fact that Yahoo locked our rosters makes you angry, please refrain from hurling things at your computer screens. You'll only be hurting yourself.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Reason number #101 to love KG

He plays the animal fight game w/Rashad McCants...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hot Plate

Even Mike should giggle at this Ronald McHollinger observation:

• What's the French word for "Hot Plate"? Good heavens Boris Diaw is out of shape. The guy's main asset was his quickness, but right now he's slower than melting chevre.

-- John Hollinger

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Last Year's Crystal (Moon)Balls

Oh yeah . . . predictions. Well, not a moment too soon, here’s a recap of LAST year’s preseason predictions. (I’m not listing all playoff teams, only the finalists.)

Knick33: Indiana
Shooters: Miami*
Rabbis: Indiana
Weed: Indiana
JLev: Miami*
MeWolves: Dallas
Flash: Detroit
HP: Houston

Knick33: Indiana
Shooters: Miami*
Rabbis: Indiana
Weed: Indiana
JLev: Miami*
MeWolves: Indiana
Flash: Detroit
HP: Philadelphia

Knick33: San Antonio
Shooters: San Antonio
Rabbis: San Antonio
Weed: Houston
JLev: San Antonio
MeWolves: Dallas*
Flash: San Antonio
HP: Houston
ACTUAL: Dallas

Knick33: LeBron
Shooters: KG
Rabbis: LeBron
Weed: Jermaine
JLev: LeBron
MeWolves: LeBron
Flash: LeBron
HP: Iverson

Knick33: Chris Paul*
Shooters: Rashad McCants
Rabbis: Deron Williams
Weed: Charlie Villanueva
JLev: Chris Paul*
MeWolves: Chris Paul*
Flash: Chris Paul*
ACTUAL: Chris Paul

Knick33: Ron Artest
Shooters: Ron Artest
Rabbis: Ron Artest
Weed: Ron Artest
JLev: Andrei Kirilenko
MeWolves: Andrei Kirilenko
Flash: Ron Artest
HP: Ben Wallace*
ACTUAL: Ben Wallace

Knick33: Michael Finley
Shooters: Marquis Daniels
Rabbis: Donyell Marshall
Weed: Caron Butler
JLev: Michael Finley
Flash: Antonio McDyess
HP: Gary Payton
ACTUAL: Mike Miller

Knick33: Josh Howard
Shooters: Dwight Howard
Rabbis: Stromile Swift
Weed: James Jones
JLev: Eddie Griffin
MeWolves: Tyson Chandler
Flash: Sebastian Telfair
ACTUAL: Boris Diaw

Knick33: Rick Carlisle
Shooters: Mike Krzyzewski (Team USA)
Rabbis: Rick Carlisle
Weed: Stan Van Gundy
JLev: Stan Van Gundy
MeWolves: Rick Carlisle
Flash: Flip Saunders
HP: Scott Skiles
ACTUAL: Avery Johnson

Knick33: Jamal Crawford
Shooters: Steve Nash
Rabbis: Eddy Curry
Weed: Jason Williams
JLev: Carlos Boozer
MeWolves: Jermaine O’Neal
Flash: Eddy Curry
ACTUAL: Depends on how you decide this, but Amare Stoudemire was the 37th pick in the draft, and he ranked 143rd among the 144 drafted players in total MoonBall production. Nene’s -2.5 total MoonBall points for the year was kind of a bust, too.

Among players who appeared in at least 70 games last year (that is, ignoring failure due to injury), Eddy Curry had the biggest drop from draft position to MoonBall rank: drafted 49th, ranked 109th. The other vote getters: Jermaine was drafted 9th and ranked 72nd; Boozer drafted 50th, ranked 126th; Crawford drafted 85th, ranked 74th; JWilliams drafted 105th, ranked 110th. Steve Nash was the league MVP and the ninth-best MoonBall producer; he was the 22nd selection in the 2005 draft.

And just to show we don’t focus completely on failure: Boris Diaw was the 142nd pick in last year’s draft, and he was the 22nd-most productive MoonBaller in the league. Probably the biggest leap (+120) in MooBall history.