My friend Dan (some of you know and think of him as Barry Sanders) has an interesting post up on his blog One Big Library (you all probably didn't know that this is the sort of thing that litters the biblio-blogosphere) in which he compares favorably the games of LeBron James and Larry Bird.
I think it's a compelling argument and a major compliment to both players, but I don't think he has it quite right. My response was that they are both singular talents and that, particularly relating to LeBron, we've probably never seen the combination of size, speed, strength, agility, and court savvy in one human being on a basketball court, but that doesn't in itself make him better than Larry--he's got some ways to go before we start thinking those thoughts.
But knowing that there are some serious LB fans and LeB appreciators out there, I thought I would point it out and get your opinions.
By the way, does anyone else out there sometimes think of LeBron as "El-Bron James?" If he starts piling up championships, people will love him so much that he could start a cult following based on space aliens and Thetan levels.
Haven't watched enough Bird to know, but I like the linguistic connotations of ElBron. Hadn't given much thought to the name either, but you are right -- he is The Bron. Not a Bron. THE Bron. Meanwhile, how many Birds have there been....and who had better moves, Larry or Charlie Parker?
TVDave, at 11:07 AM
I mostly agree with post. Both about the comparison and Bird's under-rated athleticism. Bird's body control was redonk. Clearly The Bron is superior athlete. His physical package is on par with Shaq's. At his time, however, Bird's size (6'10) and skill set were similarly unmatched. Nightmare walking.
Crazy thing is I will say the thing your friend won't yet: LeBron is better. Sure, he will need to win a ring or three to cement it. But monkeyshoes and I were just having this conversation after watching Bron sink thew Warriors in the East Bay: LeBron's emergence defensively puts him on the trajectory as the greatest 3 man the game has known. Bird has held that post since the mid-80's. Now, finally some one has come along to join the conversation.
The Green, at 9:48 PM
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