Block of the year? Check this out.
posted by Ironwood Flash at 9:03 PM
Wow! That is almost as good as when 6 foot Rondo dunked on his ass!
By monkeyshoes, at 12:03 AM
(Good one, monkeyshoes)But that was one hell of a block. As good as Chandler is, he's got some sucker-tivity in his offensive game, and Max laid one on em.
By The Green, at 3:16 AM
This is heartening after Chandler's Hornets erased a 4th quarter deficit to the Bulls last night, going on to win and put one more well deserved nail in the Chicago coffin.
By HP All-stars, at 9:38 AM
monkeyshoes, always a hater.
By Ironwood Flash, at 11:35 AM
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Them folks they ballin', they ballin', they ballin' on the moon.If you wake up now, it won't be too soon.
Wow! That is almost as good as when 6 foot Rondo dunked on his ass!
monkeyshoes, at 12:03 AM
(Good one, monkeyshoes)
But that was one hell of a block. As good as Chandler is, he's got some sucker-tivity in his offensive game, and Max laid one on em.
The Green, at 3:16 AM
This is heartening after Chandler's Hornets erased a 4th quarter deficit to the Bulls last night, going on to win and put one more well deserved nail in the Chicago coffin.
HP All-stars, at 9:38 AM
monkeyshoes, always a hater.
Ironwood Flash, at 11:35 AM
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