The Moonball Blog

Sunday, February 24, 2008

No Legs

Watching the Pistons dismantle the Suns, it's a rare moment for me to take in a game and it turns into a beat down. I know it's still very early, but I think the Shaq trade might end up just like most people (including me, even though I want him to be better for fantasy reasons) thought it would with the knee jerk. He looks Comcastic out there--he's slow, can't make a shot, and clearly has had no impact on defense as the Pistons have gotten anything they want.

I was reading a piece about dunking in the most recent Sports Illustrated, and there was a part of it where the author made the point (and all the players agreed), that the "legs retire first." So players who don't have a close to the ground game fade more quickly. Seems like Shaq can't even dunk anymore--what's left to fear?


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