The Moonball Blog

Monday, February 04, 2008

And on another note

Just in case people haven't seen this video, it's something else.

I actually became a Democrat today, for at least a day, so I can throw in with Obama tomorrow. I waited in line with about 25 people in front of me and at least 75 behind by the time I left, to change my voter affiliation by the noon deadline. People were in such good moods, ranging from progressive folks there for the same reasons as I was to middle-aged voters registering for the first time in their lives. For the first time since I voted for Wellstone as a 19 year old college sophomore, I feel like I'm about to vote for something good, rather than just against something bad. Who woulda ever figured that?


  • Danielle and I were just watching Kareem in his great role as Roger Murdock.

    Here in Obamaland, he is running with a 20-some point lead in the polls and the hot election with all the hype is for a state representative's seat.

    By Blogger HP All-stars, at 9:39 PM  

  • Oh yeah, I am also super pleased to report I found Tom's post, watched the video and then looked back at my email to find a similar referral just arrived from the Obama folks.

    I also got my Pau news from this blog. (What the fuck? Was there no better deal out there for Memphis?)

    Stay posted for all late-breaking phenomenon.

    By Blogger HP All-stars, at 9:46 PM  

  • I also have got Obama Fever, and the only cure is more cowbell.

    I feel you, Pete on the Pau trade. That was just a complete steal by the Lakers. Between the Lakers and the Celtics, you see what a difference it makes if an owner is willing to pay the luxury tax.

    By Blogger Jason N, at 8:13 AM  

  • Thanks for posting on Obama, Tomma. I am excited too. I watched the debates a couple weeks ago, and was so glad I chose that over yet another Miami Heat game...I was expecting to like Obama, and was also surprisingly impressed with Hillary and Edwards. Couldn't believe I was hearing candidates argue about who was MORE for universal health care. America is ready.

    And while we're abolishing the NBA conferences, let's ditch the electoral college too.

    By Blogger TVDave, at 9:18 AM  

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