KG to the C's
So, I think I'm in whatever stage of grief 'bargaining' is. It's clear that KG is gone. I don't think it's right, and the way it's progressed over the past few days is absolutely typical of the mickey mouse way the franchise has been run over the past four years, but I think the Wolves have past the point of no return.
I also don't think you can construct a deal with Phoenix. One thing I hate about the NBA media is that it's clear that most reporters don't understand the CBA, and a Stoudamire/KG trade is really difficult to make work because Stoudamire is BYC until mid-July, and KG's contract goes up July 1. Complicating matters, Diaw will be BYC starting in July, so even with Kurt Thomas' deal in the mix it's just really hard to come up with enough salary to make a deal work. Plus, it's not like Pheonix actually has a bunch of tradeable assets that could convince an under the cap team like Milwaukee or Atlanta to join in and help out. I just don't see it.
So, here's my idea to get KG to the Celtics. I think the stuff about him not wanting to go there is a bit overblown - I'm sure he'd rather go to Pheonix or LA, but if he can't I can't see him opting out and leaving all that cash on the table, particularly if my plan below happens. I have an entirely selfish motive for this move - if he goes to Boston, I will get about 40 hours more sleep next year since the C's are on Eastern time. So basically here's the gist:
Wolves send KG, Mad Dog & Hassell to the Celtics. Wolves send Ricky Davis to Sac.
The Kings send Ron Artest to Boston & Kenny Thomas to MN.
The C's send Wally, Theo, Big Al, the #5, & Allan Ray to MN. They send Gerald Green, Leon Powe & Scal to Sac.
I think everyone wins - The C's would absolutely be faves in the East with a core of Pierce, KG & Ron with some nice (if overpaid) role players like Mad Dog & Hassell, and four decent youngsters in West, Gomes, Perk & Rondo. Yes, Artest is a risk, but if anyone can keep him in line it's KG & PP, right? Now, the C's would still need a real coach, but that's another matter...
The Kings shed Artest and the albatross contract of Kenny Thomas and pick up a grade B prospect in Gerald Green. They also get Pretty Ricky, who they can probably flip at the deadline if they don't want to just clear space. The Celtics could probably send a draft pick of some sort their way as well. Yes, they have to take on Scal, but they were desperately short of red heads and he also makes half as much as Thomas.
As for the Wolves, this is as good as it gets. If you're trading KG, there's no point in keeping Madsen or Hassel - neither one is going to be part of the next good Wolves team. Yeah, you now have a lot of old, nasty power forward w/Juwan and Thomas, but both of those guys are pros and they'll help Big Al (or at least not stand in his way). For the Wolves, a post-KG core of Foye/McCants/Al/Craig Smith/the #5 /the #7 is about as good as you're going to get. It probably means you're looking at another 2-3 years in the lottery, best case, but you're probably looking at that if you keep KG anyway. This does mean that if in 2-3 years you're ready to be a good team, you'll have cap room to add a piece or two (assuming someone else is running the show by then).
The one big flaw - the C's #21 jersey is retired. Maybe Bill Sharman will let KG buy him dinner?
Wow, Jason giving us a little Chad Ford action, right down to the complaint that most commentators don't understand the cap rules when discussing trades. Next we're going to hear about the Wolves (or Celtics?) picking up a little known Bulgarian point guard that will solve all their problems.
Seriously, though, would you jettison the Wolves if they dealt KG? Wow, I thought they were your team. It would be a big boost for the Boston Globe Celtics chat room (a fact that should be considered by Danny Ainge in his pursuit of KG), but we're talking about the Celtics here, Jason!
Ironwood Flash, at 3:43 PM
p.s. I forgot to mention that this is a great post. If the Wolves do trade KG, they should slot JNap in as GM, after the inevitable McHale firing.
Ironwood Flash, at 9:47 PM
Nothing would disgust me more than KG in Boston.
I'd sooner see him walk away as a free agent and go to a division rival like Denver or Utah, with the Wolves getting zip in return, than see KG high-fiving a fucking leprechaun.
(Sorry, too many formative years spent despising the dreaded Celtics of yore.)
jLev, at 11:01 PM
I've never had a real hate for the C's - in the 80s I was definitely a pox on both their houses kind of guy for both the Lakers & Celtics, but it's been 20 years since they were relevant.
I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do if KG gets moved (note the use of if - I think I've slid back into denial). If he goes to Phoenix, I will definitely keep an eye on the Suns - they were already 2nd on my list this past year after reading 7 seconds or less (I'll try to remember to bring my copy to Portland in case anyone wants it).
The larger issue, though, as to whether I'd really leave the Wolves is tough. Frankly, I'm not sure that franchise deserves my loyalty. At the same time, I am sensitive to charges of franchise dumping, having once cheered passionately for the Knicks and before that (less passionately) for the Cavs. Having not grown up in an NBA town, I may just be a serial sports monogamist...
Jason N, at 8:34 AM
It's hard to imagine Minnesota without the Big Ticket. Would he still do the ritual before games elsewhere? Would Sonia rename her blog, "I Heart #5, Al Jeff and Filler?" I think no number 21 is probably the holdup with Boston, you nailed it Jason. Doubt he would wear Sealy's Wolves #2 instead. That's probably retired.
I'll still watch the Wolves no matter what. For one, they pay me to be there and give me free nachos. Can you say "Chalupa?" Plus there are still reasons for hope. They fired the dance team coaches this summer, so I feel like it's really gonna get good and hot. Plus T-Hud wants out. I think the Wolves should trade Huddy to the moonball league, and he can do a rap show at halftime of our next fantasy draft...though it would be way more fun to have Mike James do spoken word. That's why our next draft should be in Houston.
If the Wolves can't get enough for KG, I think they should just do the minor tweaks plan they do every year and keep him...see what happens. The only thing that would be harder than watching KG get traded, is to watch him get traded for crap.
If the Wolves must trade KG, and bend over and take what they can get, I hope they at least learn from their mistakes. I would get cable to watch KG the Celtic, and KG the Sun. No hard feelings.
TVDave, at 11:16 AM
That's the spirit, JLev!
Another fundamental question has arisen, though--what would be worse, KG in Beantown or as second banana to the beef in LA?
Talk about horns of a dilemma!
Ironwood Flash, at 8:17 PM
The absolute worst possible scenario is KG on the Lakers in a straight up deal for Bynum, Odom and whatever other crap they send back to Minnesota. That is just atrocious.
Seriously, my fear for the past few years is that KG is going to wind up on the damn lakers...
Jason N, at 11:52 PM
That's my fear too -- KG to the Lakers. The rumour was at the top of last night, and at the top of the sports page today. But given what L.A. has to offer, that just shows me that L.A. gets peoples' attention and makes headlines. If Taylor and McHale are buying L.A.'s crap, they are stupider than I thought. The only thing that might force that trade is KG's leverage. In fact, I wonder if the current rumor doesn't help them leverage something else?
TVDave, at 10:05 AM
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