Draft Chat
I wasn't able to make it to the draft chat -- Mac based wi-fi at the studio where I was playing wouldn't let me on. Did anyone go? How did it work?
If I could get a permanent chat room for less than 20 bucks, that allowed us to view history of what was said, would anyone be interested? I might even be able to somehow hack it into our next year's fantasy site. Maybe.
Real reason I'm posting is I'm curious about your reactions to the draft -- especially Boston/Portland fans. I like the Blazers moves for the long term...the mix of young talent and long-term cap relief could really work out well for them. And looks like Seattle's really turning the corner too. Wish I could say the same for the Wolves. Brewer's a solid pick though.
As good as all those draft picks looked, I'll admit I'm a little relieved that we didn't panic and move KG. It's hard to let go. How about y'all? Any other reactions?
CBS Sportsline's Rumor Mill:
The winner of the Kevin Garnett trade sweepstakes could possibly feature a dark horse in the Golden State Warriors. After acquiring the draft rights of Brandan Wright in a trade with the Charlotte Bobcats for Jason Richardson, the Warriorrs are possibly putting a package deal to bring Garnett in Sunny California, reports the Los Angeles Times. The Times reports that the package includes Wright, Andris Biedrins and Monte Ellis.
TBV, at 3:52 PM
Hey from Portland!
Sorry bout the internet silence. . .wedding planning and the close of our State legisaltive session will do that to ya.
Dave and I missed the draft board cause we were at Josh's watching the events on cable.
Wow! What a draft. My emotions ran high with Portland and Boston each playing lead roles in the evening's drama. Let me try and share some of my immediate feelings at the draft and then my current thoughts.
Draft day moments
The obvious: Joy about drafting Oden. Everything is different for the Blazers now. With Oden leading the core of Roy, Aldridge and Rodriguesm only injuries to the big fella could prevent 2-4 Championships in the next decade. Already there are stories on his dominance of early Blazer practies (http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/sports/118334491278860.xml&coll=7). Good times.
The sad surprise: Losing Zach for Francis and Frye shocked me. I knew Zach was not in the long term plans, but I had hoped the Blazers would give it a year, let Zach maintain the scoring burden while Oden develops, and then trade Zach for the proverbial 'missing' piece. Could not help but think the Blazers just partnered with Isiah and came away the loser.
The alluring splash move: Gaining Ray Allen and the #35 for Delonte, Szczerby and the #5. I was so excited when this was announced I jumped up and down. Dave stared uneasily at me. My thoughts were (a) even as a 31 year old, Ray Allen is dope; players last longer these days, and Allen is a body-as-temple cat, (b) the #5 pick was tough call; as talent laden as this draft was, I could not help but think the #5 spot was trap where you take potential over substance, and thus letting the pick go bothered me none, (c) especially since we picked up Big Baby, who will be considered an equivalent player to Jeff Green 5 years down the line, and (d) we did not give up any real significant players to get this move done.
Current thoughts:
Despite giving away Zach, the Oden Blazers are ready to roll. Sure there is bigtime pressure on the young fellas with Zach out of the picture. But the word is that a prominent Blazer (implication: Roy) said the time to move Zach was now. If this is true, and Roy is gonna up and grab the reigns, I am all for it. With Zach gone, the Blazers can now play up tempo. Ima guess that Sergio Rodriguez become the staring point this year or next, and he and oden develop some outlet pass poetry that will define great basketball in what will be known as the Oden era.
As for the C's, well accepting the realities of Allen's age has done much to damper my enthusiam, Boston has to make a move to bring in a contributing veteran. All this jabber that Ainge has no plan is stupid. It makes sense to me that you cash in young assets for an established player as long as the young assets are not your future core. Al Jefferson is the Celtic's long term plan, with Rondo along if he is up for the challenge. Delonte West was a favorite of mine, but will he ever start for a team again (barring injury)? Wally had a shitty contract and a broken body. And Jeff Green, Yi and Brandan Wright (the three players the Celts could have taken with #5) will all be disappointments. So, I am happy with the Celtics move. I think Davis could be a steal, and with Ratliff and Gerald Green still in the wings, the Celtics could swing a deal to acquire another big. Certainly no Championships on the horizon, but I contest strongly that the C's mortgaged their future. If Al does not start playing on winning team, there will be no future with him. Allen will help.
I will post thoughts on the draft as a whole later.
The Green, at 2:41 PM
I saw the article WB references that implies Roy asked Pritchard to ship Z-Bo out. A few other interesting things in that piece. Biggest for me was this:
"A team within the Blazers division proposed a trade involving a future Hall of Famer and a standout rookie for the Blazers' No. 1 pick."
That's got to be a KG + Foye offer, yes? No one else in that division has both a HOF + top rookie. Utah? Denver? Seattle? Boozer + Millsap? Nope. Deron Williams? Nope. AI or Melo sure, but no rookie to go with. Ray Allen might be be pusing HOF, but Mo Sene ain't no top rookie. Am I forgetting someone somewhere?
Read it for yourselves. It's worthy of a few minutes.
Knick33, at 3:04 PM
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Knick33, at 3:05 PM
p.s. great work on the photo shop, TVDave
The Green, at 8:01 PM
I think it was Duncan. I'm sure the Wolves also offered KG for the #1, but the other clue in that blog was that it was a first ballot hall of famer from a perennial western contender. To me, that's Timmy. And, crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't have made that deal if I was Portland.
I think the C's deal makes sense if they ship Al, Green & Theo to the Wolves for KG. The only way you don't make that deal is if you think Al will be as good as Garnett the next two years. I liked Mike's analysis of the deal - Ray Allan is clearly going to get Paul closer to contention than the #5 & Delonte, but if you're going to try to win you've gotta go all in.
I absolutely love everything the Blazers have done. What an incredible 13 months for Kevin Pritchard. The Oden/Roy/Aldrige core with Jack/Rodriguez/Frye/James Jones as young supporting pieces (not to mention Fernandez & Kopponen as futures), a fantastic cap situation, and an owner willing to spend money the right way - the Blazers could dominate the league for 10 years. Lots of things could go wrong, but they are certainly maximizing their chances of things going right.
Jason N, at 11:20 AM
I just ordered a new Blazers cap on Ebay. The swirly logo makes my brain feel good.
TVDave, at 11:56 AM
I agree Jason: Sounds like Duncan. Wow!
The Green, at 3:33 PM
I think it was 2 offers... one Duncan, one KG. San Antonio is not in Portland's division
Knick33, at 2:04 PM
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