Best Moonball Season Ever!?!
Okay, the lack of the chat board really sucks. I miss the regular chatter. That interaction was my favorite part of the game. Aside from kicking ass, that is.
But to my point, whatta a friggin season! Many, many lead changes all through out the standings, but most especially at the top, where it seems like a crazy sprint to the finish versus the surging RR&B and the wounded Rabbis will determine the new Champion. Wow!
The season started with juggernaut Me-Wolves squad, seemingly pre-destined by Blog title. Baron Davis was kicking ass. Barbosa too. Times were good. Then Knicks 33 and RR&B started getting busy, tusslen’ at top. Deep rosters, both, rackin points 1-12 on their rosters. Seeming unbeatable. Yours truly had a long turn at the top, with the high scoring quartet of Randolph, Boozer, Paul and Howard doing much work. Knicks33 rallied to a lead, only to be past by the ultra-loaded Rabbis.
Despite some familiar names at the top much of the season, new names are making their presence felt. Rec Leaguers has made a steady climb from the basement to outside-contention for a money spot. Monkeyshoes seems to be finally escaping the middle of the pack, and is in the money with a chance to climb.
We had some pretty good trade activity, both in terms of drama and significance. . . though less than expected in some ways. Unlocking the mystery of the trade supermove was a huge turning point. RR&B acquisition of Mutumbo was in many ways the beginning of RR&B’s long trek to the top. In a prior and related transaction, RR&B sent me Nene for a done-for-the-season Tony Allen. My trade sending Nene and Lil Dun to Monkeyshoes for Mo Pete and right to pick up Paul Milsap turned out great for Monekyshoes. Question to you: What have been the best/most significant trade(s ) of the season so far?
I think the 10 man line-ups make the impact of an injury or three more significant than when you are spreading your hopes on a 12 man line-up, as in years past. This year, the 10 man roster has opened the door for a lot of movement in the standings. More than any year in my mind.
In all cases, the fallen leaders have suffered some major injuries and lost game scenarios. Even granting a sometimes-inattentive GM, I can’t believe how the Me-Wolves fell off so far. Serious. I can’t believe Rabbis has held on to his wicked scoring pace despite missing DWade not just now, but for regular intervals during the season prior. Both Knick33 and RR&B had their early season flow interrupted by injury.
I know Ironwood knows what I am talking about. Remember when Gil and Yao were tearing it up crazy style? And it went deeper than that: a bunch of his cats went down. The succession of injuries to Chris Paul, Carlos Boozer, Tony Allen and Jamal Crawford killed my chances.
Of course, injuries and lost games really are a shared reality for us all. Monkeyshoes has been a hamstrung all year. Though the Huskers choose some super injury prone players, he has gotten as hurt as anyone. JLev, Ratty, Rec’y, even the HP Bulls.
Sure, what new? Injuries make or break every season. But since we have not had a friendly chat board, I felt a special obligation to bemoan all of our collective rotten luck as a totem to moments lost.
I look foward to the exciting finish. GO WB!
Ditto, what a lot of excitement! Many of us have tasted #1 this year. I was on top for the first time ever, and it was a great feeling (for a few short weeks before my team turned into an infirmary). Each of us were seemingly untouchable for a time…then like moths flying around a hot lightbulb, we’d get burned and fall onto our backs.
The bench definitely cut into trade activity, but I liked how people had to get more creative when they ran out of supermoves, so there was a nice flurry of trades nearer the deadline.
My fates were definitely improved through trades – with the one you cited being a big one. Another big trade was Brevin Knight/SJax to Huskers for Rafer Alston, which allowed me to pick up Mikki Moore. Brevin is still missing games, and Rafer gave me a lot of points until I turned him into Ilgauskas through my trade with Rat House.
Perhaps no trade was bigger than what you gave monkeyshoes for the right to pick up Millsap (and you are paying for it now, with real money).
But I think the prize goes to Knick33 for getting Iguodala from Ironwood for Chris Kaman. Hyry was in a corner with injuries, so he kind of had to do it. But then that move was magnified by the Iverson trade, and gave K33 an entire season of fat stats for a thin-haired, season-long bust. I remember offering you a few trades for Kaman, Tom. Sometimes the biggest trades are the ones you never make! (Oh wait, that’s McHale’s line…)
As much as the lack of a message board has cut into our chatter, I think the end of the “inactive” rule and injury replacements has made the league quieter too…as have do-it-yourself transactions. I loved it last year, with all the clever names and quick pick-ups. But I have been so glad not to be poring through box-scores this year, so it was a good trade-off. Just blog it, I say!
A couple things looking toward the end of the season – remember when I predicted that 3 out of 4 teams drafted in Minnesota would end up on top? Looking pretty good so far. (I count Knick33 in that, since RatHouse did a pretty good job drafting for him in my living room). I don’t know if it was the BBQ from Ted’s 19th Hole, or what. But I think it’s in everyone’s best interest to get to the draft next year – for the good of your team, and the good of your soul.
Also, I’d like to say that everyone has handled the transition to a new site very well. There have been precious few tense moments, and as always it has been my pleasure to play in this league and be your commish. The NBA is a lot more fun because of Moonball!
TVDave, at 2:44 PM
Slow your role, Minnesota. Here comes P-Town.
The Green, at 2:39 AM
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