The Moonball Blog

Friday, July 30, 2010

Commish speaks and we jump!

(or we jump and commish speaks...!)

It's been a little deserted here at the moonball blog recently, outside of the tumbleweeds drifting through the comments section -- but the media has been providing enough pseudoLeBronDrama (LeBrama?) without us needing to chime in. It will be interesting to see what happens - so let it happen. Meanwhile, the Wolves have a brand new team of medium sized contracts. Will Darko ever be free? We shall see. But I'm not quite ready to talk about all that yet either.

So let's switch to Moonball. HP and I traveled to Oregon last weekend, and had a great time seeing old friends for a long weekend. But amidst the good times, there was some serious business. Last year's commish is still living the dream, and from his power comes a draft order. Let it be so!


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