Not Buckneresque, but it's nice to see Zeke remembered as the great champion that he is.
posted by Ironwood Flash at 9:10 AM
Gee that was fun. Now, you're fired. How could Rodman not be there? And since when was Kelly Tripuka one of the "Bad Boys"???
By Knick33, at 3:22 PM
Rodman did make the team, who knows if he was invited or chose not to come? Anyone's guess there.Tripuka--decidedly not a bad boy but definitely there as the BB era dawned. Good player, great mustache.
By Ironwood Flash, at 5:47 PM
Speaking of bad boys, there has been great sports radio soul-searching here in Chicago as Bill Lambier's name has been thrown into the mix for the Bull's coaching job.I say bring it on...fuck Coach K.
By HP All-stars, at 11:16 PM
Wow! HP you earned an even deeper level affection from me after that bit of truth.Big bad Bill may have been a cheap shot artist asshole, but at least he ain't no Dukie.Cut Deng and you all can turn that shit around.
By The Green, at 11:03 AM
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Them folks they ballin', they ballin', they ballin' on the moon.If you wake up now, it won't be too soon.
Gee that was fun. Now, you're fired.
How could Rodman not be there? And since when was Kelly Tripuka one of the "Bad Boys"???
Knick33, at 3:22 PM
Rodman did make the team, who knows if he was invited or chose not to come? Anyone's guess there.
Tripuka--decidedly not a bad boy but definitely there as the BB era dawned. Good player, great mustache.
Ironwood Flash, at 5:47 PM
Speaking of bad boys, there has been great sports radio soul-searching here in Chicago as Bill Lambier's name has been thrown into the mix for the Bull's coaching job.
I say bring it on...fuck Coach K.
HP All-stars, at 11:16 PM
Wow! HP you earned an even deeper level affection from me after that bit of truth.
Big bad Bill may have been a cheap shot artist asshole, but at least he ain't no Dukie.
Cut Deng and you all can turn that shit around.
The Green, at 11:03 AM
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