Celts First Western Loss Pool
Put up your money and double your joy when the Celts lose for the first time out west.
$1 is the cost of a marker.
I'll start by taking Portland on 1/16.
All winners split the whole pot. A card layed is a card played. Notices must be posted before the start of games that day.
What will your day be?
Vote early and often, it only costs a dollar.
My first reaction, "this is fun", is now tempered by, "Holy croyp!" they might not lose out west for over a month.
And the teams that I would pick I wouldn't want to cheer for anyway...San Antonio? Gimme a break.
Love to take the home team, but that's a quick way to lose a dollar.
I got Phoenix, 2/22. And on a related topic, be sure to read, The Fackin’ Patree-uts Are Fackin’ 16-0, You Fackin’ S—tbawxes!
TVDave, at 10:22 AM
Portland is in Boston on 1/16. . . save yourself a dollar HP
The Green, at 11:22 AM
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