A tale of two cities
I have often wondered as my Portland fandom took deeper roots, would there ever be a time where I would put the Blazers before the Celtics. In the Sheed/Sabonis years, there was no conflict: With the exception of 2001, Portland was good, Boston was not. So I could cheer whole heartedly for Portland without betraying the C's. During the era in which both teams have sucked, I was also able to easily straddle the gap between two allegiances, because neither team was remotely in the hunt for anything. . . anything but a lottery spot.
Ouch. I just had a pang of pain.
When your team sucked as bad as the Celtic did this past year, you expect you are gonna get one of the top picks. Sure history has shown the worst three teams often get bumped from the top three slots. The sad resignation with which I, like so many Celtics fans, hung the C's hopes on the possibility to snagging Oden. . . or at least Durant, makes me immediately resentful of the teams that would spoil my dreams.
Portland spoiled my dreams. I resent Portland.
Oden will completely reinvigorate the Trailblazer fanbase. Already eager to embrace Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge, Oden is gonnna bring the wins and bigtime excitement that will have folks a buzz like it is 1977 all over again. Blazers will likely trade Zach in the next 3 months to a year, giving them brand new style and perhaps the brighest future in the League.
Celtics? I can hardly think about it.
I know I will enjoy watching Oden on the regular. But tonight's events leave me a bit confused.
Don't be sad Mike. Enjoy the moment... they don't come around often and rest happy that the Blazers are so much closer to being real contenders for long time.
Celtics may have sucked and the lottery may be a screwy system, but they tanked more than any other team in the League and everyone knows it... Ryan Gomes even said it blatantly. Ainge practically said as much in giving Doc an extension. I have no sympathy... but then again this is a Knick fan talking.
Speaking of which this one Knick fan who was sooo relieved when that envelope was opened at #9 and it read Chicago Bulls... if they had moved up to top 2, I think I would have had to move my family out of Chicago.
Knick33, at 12:17 PM
My 5 minutes of Sports Radio today was filled with affirmations of what a tight ship David Stern runs..."If there was ever a time to fix the draft, this was it. It does not benefit the NBA to to have two franchise players going to the northwest."
That's crap. No surprise here, but I totally believe in the Fix. Having Oden in Memphis or Boston was not going to help recruit any of those Pacific Rimmers that Stern wants so badly to buy t-shirts. Big teams up and down the coast will only help the NBA grow into China.
HP All-stars, at 4:36 PM
That's a great theory, Pete, I like it.
And Mike--sometimes I repress the fact that you are a Celtic fan. Once, when I was complaining about otherwise progressive people being quite anti-labor around here, a friend told me, "well, we all have our blind spots." And then she chided me for eating meat. Mmmm...
Ironwood Flash, at 8:39 AM
Hey, it could be worse Pete - the team you root for could have missed out on the top pick by a freaking coin flip...
That said, the Blazers deserve it. Kevin Pritchard deserves a ton of credit for how he managed last off-season and they are poised to be a contender for the next 10 years.
How do you feel about this deal:
the ATL gets Zebo, Jack & one of Portlands five(!) second rounders; the Blazers get Speedy, Lo Wright & the number three, where they draft Conley.
Jason N, at 2:33 PM
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