I Can't F'n Wait for the Playoffs
This is going to be an awesome playoffs.
Obviously Dallas is a front runner. . . but they will almost surely draw the GState Warriors, lead by an almost healthy Baron Davis. Fireworks!
Houston is going freakin nuts. Utah has a good damn team, and Jerry Sloan is a sensational coach. But Jeff Van Gundy has found a way to meld the powers of McGrady and Yao on offense, and we all know JVG's kids play the D. Badass.
You know I love Phoenix. It would be an affirmation of all that is good if Amare rises so high to elevate this team to a Championship. They will kill LA. The Spurs will be a problem.
Oh, yes. Those Spurs. They are at it again. Peaking when it matters. Drawing Iverson, Melo and Camby in the first round is serious work. San Antonio have the toughest road to the Finals: Denver, Phoenix and Dallas.
Sounds crazy. It will be. The Spurs or Houston. No kiddin.
The East is a much shorter conversation, but not one devoid of intrigue. Ultimately I like Detroit: The versatility, experience and killer instinct. But Chicago is clicking at right time, and I am sure that this Playoffs is Chris Bosh's coming out party on the national scene. . . those poor Raptors are never on TV.
Of course Miami has the mystique factor and the Daddy factor, but I remain skeptical as to Wade's health. And they will likely draw perhaps the greatest factor of them all in young Mr. James. The Cavs still have many holes as a team, but in the East, Bron may have enough to run the table.
When I wrote intrigue I meant it. If not Detroit, then Chicago. Wild. Great Lakes stylie.
But in the end, the 2007 Champion is from Texas. As sucky as that may sound, the ball is going to be amazing. Me and monkeyshoes are gettin cable.
I know, exciting! I thought I might break down and get the cable, but I maxed out in March. Will probably just follow ABC on the weekends.
I never liked Houston much, because they were always competition for where the Wolves should be. Well, they are a lot better equipped to be there now, and T-Mac has been tremendous when healthy. I've softened on the Rockets and will root for 'em among the rest.
I'm learning not to hate, but will be rooting against teams wearing pastel blue or yella. Some of you picked teams at the beginning of the year, I will post them later.
TVDave, at 10:34 AM
Lots of intrigue for tonight's games...
Reason to root for the Nets to beat the Bulls tonight: Vince returns to Toronto for Round 1
Reason to root for the Bulls to beat the Nets tonight: Wade vs. Lebron in Round 1
Other things I'm looking forward to and hope the seedings will cooperate:
-- Whatever it is that Nellie can cook up for Dallas. Got to root Warriors tonight. Clips deserve to go home.
-- Raja Bell vs. Kobe revisited in Round 1. Get out your clotheslines.
-- Manu driving George Karl absolutely crazy.
Knick33, at 4:22 PM
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alex, at 7:27 PM
Fucking fuck.
Looks like Skiles wanted to make sure the Bulls had to work hard throughout the playoffs.
Maybe the asshole above can get me some oxycontin to help ease the tension.
HP All-stars, at 10:42 PM
I am also excited. I've been on an NBA fast for the past six weeks to cleanse my palate of the steaming plate of shite that has become the Minnesota Timberwolves (what a truly pathetic performance), but I'm ready for some fun time with the playoffs. I agree with Mike that Houston is going to be a nasty team out for anyone.
As crappy as this regular season has been, I can't remember a first round with this many good matchups - SA/Den, Phx/Lal, Dal/GSW, & Hou/Utah are all top notch, and there are even a couple of decent ones out East (Chi/Miami, Toronto/NJ).
Jason N, at 8:54 AM
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