Riley with stubble?
I do not ever remember Riles looking so gruff. I mean, things really suck in Miami, but he looks way outta sorts. This is A#1 Mr. Slick Pat Riley. Unshaven. He looks like Mickey Rourke after long night with bottle of bourbon.
Brother Dave nailed Riles as a member of the Living Dead back in the Outside Shot. Assuming Dave was correct, do you think Patty the Spectre made a one last deal with the Devil for that 2006 title, and now his 'payment' is past due?
Or is it that Stan Van Gundy went voodoo on Riley and is stickin pins in a doll somewhere in Haiti?
After his life-transformating adventures, Riley has learned from his experiences, ceased being naughty, and felt the love of GP-etto. So the Blue Fairy has kept her promise to turn him into a real boy.
TVDave, at 9:53 AM
He looks like Mickey Rourke after an 8 hour sleep, good shower and shave.
HP All-stars, at 10:09 PM
riles is just going with the south beach look. ya know sonny crocket.
monkeyshoes, at 11:06 PM
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