Chris Kaman's New Haircut and other things I noticed at the Wolves Clippers game
All right, so I don't listen to as much Grateful Dead as I used to in college either. But why would you get rid of your notorious freak flag, Chris Kaman? I'll admit that I always felt bad for guys who were guarding you and Steve Nash last year, because they might get a faceful of that greasy-sweaty squeegee. But in a league where we too-often look at players like they're trading cards, highlight-reel-stars or chess-pieces, you've got to go with your most distinguishing feature to get your power. And Kaman, it ain't the sideburns.
To prove my point, Kaman went down with an ankle injury during the Wolves Clippers Wednesday. Maybe if he were to put back on some of that Grateful Dead, he would've heard of a fellow named Samson, and the bad things that befall those who get a haircut. Luckily for Democrats, Nancy Pelosi knows where her mojo comes from. She got remaining members of the Dead, Wyclef Jean, Tony Bennett, Carole King and others to seal the deal at her bash to celebrate her ascension to Speaker of the House. If Nancy gets a Chris Kaman cut (and sideburns), I will be sad and the Dems will lose. But to be fair to Kaman, defending Randy Foye would probably hurt Pelosi's ankles too.
As for Foye, he had a crappy game vs. the Clips. On a lot of offensive posessions, he mostly dribbled around the perimeter before initating a pass that would eventually end up in his hands for a failed 3 attempt, or a drive to the hoop where he was up against some pretty tall Clippers. The fans at Target Center always wanted the foul, and he eventually got one or two. But he's a rookie, and his poor shooting meant Clippers ball most of the time. People in Minny are so excited about this guy, though. Big cheers no matter what. No draft picks for years will do that to a city.
Because Foye and James are better shooting the ball, that's why I appreciate a guy like Ricky Davis who -- as frustrating as his shots can sometimes be -- can hook people up nicely and distribute. That was another part of the Wolves downfall though-- Foye and Ricky tried to get a little too fancy with passes in the second quarter when the Wolves were on a big run. A few turnovers later, the Clips were back in the game.Ricky's come a long waith with his haircut too.... Who had this one first, Ricky or Scot Pollard?
Cassell shot the ball well, and it was fun to watch him at Target Center again. When Sam would evade Foye or Ricky and get ready to move to the basket or shoot, KG would come help out and lock him down.
But it was Maggette with the big jumpers that did the Wolves in. Elton Brand's jumpers were falling all night too, like he was doing his best Mark Blount impression.
Despite the loss, Me-Wolves will be comforted that at least Bracey Wright got a few buckets. But I wish we had Gomes instead. The Wolves could use a small forward right about now. Oh well, McHale can't get all the good second rounders.
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