Etan Thomas Comes Correct
Just in case anyone missed this from TrueHoop, thought I'd post. Etan Thomas is fucking awesome:
I think that what’s really unpatriotic is sitting by and allowing a president to make bad decision after bad decision and not say anything about it. Iraq will go down in history as an American tragedy, and people will ask “why didn’t anyone do anything? How did they let this happen? Little kids will read in their text books about all of the lives lost, innocent Iraqi civilians slaughtered, American soldiers killed, and wonder what type of "patriotism" all of those people believed who went along with this show?Edit: And, just because I still have the stain of once rooting for Duke on my soul, fuck Coach K.
I love Etan Thomas. . . and I forgive you for your once Duke rootin ways.
The Green, at 3:30 AM
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