Another Wolves Bunglectomy?
In the draft last night, I was hoping the Wolves would take after the Portland Trailblazers, and at least make some moves. Didn't see much to get excited about -- the expected Mayo pick, the Center I had never heard of who's playing in Greece for a few more years, and Mario Chalmers, who was traded to Miami for those dreaded words I remember from the Foye-Roy trade -- "Cash Considerations." Ugh!
Meanwhile, the Nets seemed to make out like bandits after the Milwaukee trade, with Lopez and Ryan Anderson and Chris Douglas-Roberts who all will fill needs for them. And Portland -- what, did Paul Allen have his tech buddies build a time/space black hole that has an infinite number of roster spots housed behind the Blazer's Rose Garden bench? How many promising young guys can one team have???
Anyway, I wake up this morning to find out the Wolves DID make a move. A big move! Given their history -- it's hard not to think that we've been screwed out of another potential star in this league, all for a Teddy Bear looking galoot that Kevin McHale had his eyes on. But here's hoping it's not that simple.
I hate to say it, but I like this trade (and that should send red flags up to anyone who remembers me waxing poetic about Marko Jaric when we sent Cassell packin' along with a first rounder). Two wrongs don't make a right, but one of the nice things about this trade is the Wolves managed to shed Marko's ugly contract, along with Antoine Walker and Greg Buckner -- (granted, they took back Jason Collins and Brian Cardinal...but both their contracts are up before Marko's). Meanwhile, the Wolves get Mike Miller in the deal -- who has some serious shooting skills, and absolutely killed the Wolves every which way last year. He is a pretty nice player (although he seems to break down every once in a while), and I hope he will help space the floor to give Big Al some room to work.
As far as Mayo vs. Love...I haven't watched drafts for very long, being a new cable customer. But it seems like the puppy cage at the pet store. You kinda want to take home every one. And when I watched Memphis draft Kevin Love, it kinda hurt. I know McHale likes him, which is a bad sign. But I liked how he played as a freshman in the tourney, and he did a lot of things well. Plus, I watched a LOT of Wolves ball last year -- and I saw enough combo guards, and not enough help for Big Al. It seems like everyone on the Wolves was small for their position. Kevin Love is probably not the perfect Center option -- he might play more as a PF with Jefferson at the 5 again. But at least he's got some size, is a threat to score, and can pass. Plus he sounded genuinely ecstatic to be coming to Minnesota, going as far as calling it his "new favorite city" and "a colder Portland" in his press conference. And that (plus Mike Miller) is enough for me -- even if Mayo becomes a pretty good NBA player. If Mayo becomes the second coming though, Gods help us, we are losers.
I'm happy for Memphis -- at least they have a box office draw. But they have so many guards, they will probably have to fix it with more trades. (At least they replaced JC Navarro...) I still think there will be many lottery picks in their future.
Post trade I think the Wolves are stronger and more evenly spread, top-to-bottom. And it might even be nice to have some beefy scrubs like Collins and Cardinal to spell Mad Dog. (I'm guessing the Mad Dog fans will go nuts for Cardinal as well, when he gets out there at the end of games.) It will be interesting to see who else the Wolves choose to keep -- I think they have to stick with Gomes, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to give Bassy another shot. He is restricted. Still don't know what to do about McCants. Shrug.
Some problems, though. I heard Mayo was a defender, and I liked the idea of him paired with Brewer, hounding people. With their new configuration, I can't think of any impact Wolves player that can defend very well...although every starter now is a good rebounder. The other thing is that Kevin Love is supposed to be a great outlet passer. But I've never seen anyone on this team that wanted to run. Maybe it was the bad knee, but Randy Foye sure looked like he wanted to go into a half-court set every time up the court -- he'd usually dribble for a while and force up a bad shot. Maybe if the Wolves start to coach more transition ball, they might be better off. I just haven't seen it yet, and I don't know if it's in their makeup.
That's my two cents -- congrats to the other people who read this board, I think most of your teams had good drafts. May we all meet in the playoffs again some day...
The Green, at 3:50 PM
Okay, back to sanity.
I think the Wolves did well by swappin OJ for Kevin "Lake Oswego" Love. He may not be a star, but he will be a gamer. He will make Al better, and all the sudden the Wolves will like to run. . . who doesn't love a big who cvan hit you on the move and create open court situations. . . could be just the thing Foye and Bassy need to find a flow in the League.
Then you throw in Mike Miller, and all the sudden, WTF, Kevin McHale actually did something good for a change. If McHale somehow manages to stay on as the Wolves GM, this will be considered the move that righted the ship.
The Green, at 3:55 PM
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