Holy shit!
Can you believe the guts in Kevin Garnett? Faced with the possibility of Kobe looking anything other than a fool, KG and company shut the ass rapist down. I am embarrassed to use those words but I don't know any other which adequately describe the situation. If there were any justice in the world, Kobe would not be able to show his face on network tv.
I wish I was not so compelled to root against Phil but I will get behind Farragut's best player ever defending Mike's legacy before I consider the possibility of Jackson winning 6 with two different teams.
Right on HP. I watched the game late after coming home from a concert, and somehow stuck with it into the wee hours even though the C's were so far down.
I jumped to my feet a lot at the end, and pumped my fists at the screen like an idiot. So as not to wake Michelle, I was soundlessly clapping and shouting "ass rapist" at the HD-sized picture of loser Kobe during the final minutes.
The Celtics flexed, and the Fake Show folded like a beach chair.
TVDave, at 10:25 AM
So many on court reasons to hate Kobe, but I am with you HP: The truth of the Mamba's vile existence must always start with his crime in Colorado. Losing a game will never undo the pain he caused that woman and her family. But at least Kobe will be unable to relish the limelight of greatness the media seems so ready to turn his way.
The next clown to compare Kobe to Mike should be laughed out of the discussion. I hope you caught Kobe's post game interview. So angry and so obviously fucked.
Your reap what you sow, you rapist fuck.
The Green, at 1:33 PM
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