Proposed change to the Constitution
We need to change one of the rules. As the constitution currently reads, everyone makes their weekly picks and the rosters lock at 11:59 Sunday night.
I propose to amend the document and make the weekly switching hour Monday night.
The Sunday structure is out of touch with the NBA week. Most teams play on Sunday, even some on Sunday night. As a result, a hardworking Midwesterner will not be able to rest until games close and players hit the showers on two good ankles for fear of missing a whole week of games.
Monday night is a totally different story - 1 or 2 NBA games at most, often out East.
In the comments on the Constitution posting below, Commish gives some explanation about how the season ends on a Wednesday and everybody getting a good last week. This is watering the plants while the house is on fire.
Lastly, on Monday morning everybody needs something to do besides work.
Vote in the comment section - Sleepless Sunday or Mulled Over Monday
I'm fine if it's easier for people. I think Monday is a great day to catch up on Moonball. Just don't give me this shit about every team in the league playing on Sundays. That's football, dude.
TVDave, at 3:47 PM
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