Updated Moonball Constitution
Here is a copy of the newly-revised Moonball Constitution, which includes updated rules we've been discussin'. To help you get to the new juicy parts, I've used Microsoft Word's highlighter to put all new changes in yellow.
The changes are mostly what we've discussed -- with a 14-player roster (10 active, and 4 bench), and the ability to change rosters weekly. You may edit your roster at any time throughout the week, then the changes take place Sunday 11:59PM PST. At that point your roster will be locked again until the following week.
No question it will take some getting used to. Even though rosters only change once a week, there can still be moves made on the overall roster. For example, you could use a supermove on Wednesday and a trade on Thursday -- however, those new players would not be available to your roster until Monday...so you could be playing a few days with a player you've already dropped or traded.
On trades -- I hope we'll have more trade flexibility this year with the addition of a bench. However, be advised that trades will be a little different under Yahoo's system. Trades take the website about 48 hours to process (1 day for me to review the trade, and 1 day for Yahoo to make the change.) Therefore, to be safe, I think trades need to be done by Thursday for you to have those players available for the following week. However, you could always do a trade later, knowing that you may need to wait until the following week to have access to your players' services. All trades should be posted to the league board.
On supermoves -- You can make a supermove anytime, just use the website to acquire a free agent. You get 4 per half-season. I will track supermoves. Again, you won't have the new free agent's services until the following week. All supermoves should be posted to the league board.
On trade supermoves -- Because of the 48 hour waiting period surrounding trades, trade supermoves will be trickier than I originally anticipated. In Yahoo's world, you would not be able to pick up a new player until you have a roster imbalance....which is officially after the trade is finished processing. In my world, that's 48 hours that you could potentially lose your free agent to another team. Therefore, since it is assumed that most if not all trades will be fair and equal, you should be able to claim a player immediately while the trade is pending. So, if you wish to use a trade supermove immediately, you must post the transaction to the league board to reserve the player that you wish to claim, then you can go claim them when the trade is done processing. Make sure to include the player's name IN THE TITLE OF THE POST so that other managers will see it, and won't pick up your free agent by mistake.
I will still have some control to reverse illegal transactions and edit rosters, but because the game (and points) are happening in real time without the ability to fix errors, let's try not to claim any players others have spoken for with trade-supermoves. K?
Please post with any questions, concerns or discussion. For your reference, here is the link to Yahoo's FAQ on fantasy basketball. I can also answer any additional questions, or refer them to their help desk.
The deadline for roster lock-down should be Monday @ 11:59pm, not Sunday. Saturdays and Sundays tend to be the heaviest days in the NBA schedule (Monday typically the lightest), and this way we can sift through the weekend's doings and make any last-minute adjustments before locking in for a whole week.
(Of course, if you prefer to set up your roster on Sunday, since that's your designated MoonBall day, you still can, and the changes take effect Monday at 11:59.)
jLev, at 5:42 PM
The reason I did this is because the season ends on a Wednesday, so teams will not be able to skew their schedules based on teams that have 2 games on the last two days. But 3 in the last week I think evens it out. A minor detail.
Besides, I think Sunday is actually a better day to finalize, JLev. Your assertion that Sundays are heavier is simply not true. Mondays are almost always busier. Count 'em.
TVDave, at 9:47 PM
How so?
It seems to me that any day games will allow the league MORE time to react to Sunday's goings on...whereas you would only have a few hours to react to Monday's games before the roster is set. I don't understand your argument.
TVDave, at 9:26 PM
The point is that a Monday night lockdown gives us 24 hours to digest what happened on the day when almost all teams play.
I do not want to even have think about staying up Sunday night until the West Coast games finish to make sure I don't lock in a Sunday night injury for the rest of the week.
This is a big deal and I REALLY want Monday.
HP All-stars, at 10:07 PM
Despite all the network triple headers and fanfare, Sunday is actually one of the lightest days in the NBA. There are often a couple afternoon games, maybe one in the evening. Sometimes more.
Because there are fewer games, and because of the afternoon games, it's a logical choice for the switchover, in my opinion. If you have a player you're worried about Sunday afternoon, then check in and see what happens later.
You wouldn't have that convenience Monday nights, and there are a lot more games Mondays than Sundays.
TVDave, at 10:42 PM
Regardless of the precise number of games played on specific days of the week --- and regardless of what day of the week the season ends (gwuh?!?!) --- Monday is preferable because Saturdays and Sundays are days to be spent with family, days spent traveling, days doing stuff around the house, and (ideally) days when a computer is not even turned on. Mondays, on the other hand, we're sitting in front of a computer all day long, looking to find distractions from our mundane, dead-end jobs.
And again, if Sunday's are better for somebody, it's easy enough to adjust for any last-minute Monday news. For those who prefer a weekday and set their rosters on Friday, there's a lot of games to sift through on Saturday AND Sunday, both afternoons and evenings, especially if you're traveling.
In any case, I have a quarter in my hand right now. Heads it's Sunday, tails it's Monday...
jLev, at 2:37 PM
Sorry, I didn't realize there were two other threads on the same topic. My latest comment simply echoes much of what HP already said.
jLev, at 2:39 PM
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