Lucky Number Slevin
Well I meant to post this yesterday but didn't have time (I was mr. momming it all weekend - Alison was off on a spa weekend....) At any rate, I was going to rate the chances of any of the road teams winning a game 7. I figured the cavs had the weekest shot, but there was still the LeBron x-factor, and he looked like he might pull it off for the first half. Man , that Pistons D in the second half was a thing of beauty.
As for tonight's tilts, I think the Clips have a better shot than the Mavs, but I really think those extra days of rest are going to help Phoenix.
Don't even get me started about how fucked up it is that there were no games played on Saturday, one yesterday but two tonight, the best of which will probably end at 1 am eastern. Way to fuck up my life, NBA.
And I meant to post on this as well, but am even further behind Sneep. Great series all around for the Mavs and Spurs, it's just a pity it wasn't the conference finals. That said, I think the Suns have an okay shot at beating the Mavs, there's something interesting going on in the desert. They've gotten their share of breaks this postseason.
Particularly the three full days off in between games. How this makes sense from a competitive or marketing perspective is beyond redonk.
Ironwood Flash, at 9:11 AM
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