Things get wackier in NY
I guess since Isiah is doing such a good job as GM, Dolan may just give him even more responsibility... this is crazy. Even if Dolan eventually fires Isiah or he just leaves, Dolan will never hire anyone good. Imagine interviewing with Dolan for that job and having to answer to his face what your strategy would be to fix the team. You'd have to tell him that everything he has done and believed in for the last 5-10 years has been completely idiotic. The person that says that will have no chance at the job. For that reason, I have come to believe that firing Isiah will not solve any problems in the long run. I thought this year's terrible performance might finally make Dolan realize what they had to do. Instead, he blindly moves on not seeing what is obvious to the rest of the world. Fire Dolan, sell the Knicks. That's the only answer. There's no miracle coming along to save the franchise the way Patrick did. Isiah already traded away our shot at Greg Oden.
Analyzing Isiah, John Paxson is a serious enabler.
HP All-stars, at 12:35 PM
Yeah, Dolan is obviously the core problem in NYC. It's going to be interesting to see if Zeke the coach can manage to actually get that team to play worse.
From a comedy perspective, I'm hoping that LB winds up in Sacramento...
Jason N, at 12:52 PM
If Larry Brown ends up with a $40 million buy-out, I'll completely forgive him for the lame end of his tenure in Detroit. Who could blame him for seeing that he could sign that huge contract, go in and foment dissent, and end up with the huge buyout?
And as for Zeke, I read somewhere that he figures this is the only way he can stay in pro hoops, to prove he can coach, seeing as no one will ever give him a GM job again.
I guess I just have to let him go, with the full appreciation of who he was as a player.
Ironwood Flash, at 9:55 PM
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