Indulging Tom
Friday March 31, 2006 Grand Rapids, MI - As the nation roils with hundreds of thousands in the streets of Los Angeles and Chicago, the NBA too flies the flag of internationalism with the goal of bringing people of the world together to enjoy the greatest spectator sport on television.
In this western Michigan town, Mexican immigrants work under a poster of the Wallace Brothers (Not those guys, these guys --ed) celebrating their championship. It called to mind a late Meixcan night in June of 2004 in the DF watching the Pistons on the big screen while gulping tequila with a Venezualen.
Also, check out this great Pistons art over at the AmigoClub. (A nod to the guys over at Wizznutzz)
That is the best web page ever! I am going to print the Tayshaun one out and iron it onto a t-shirt. The captions are hilarious, too. My favorite is the one for Chauncey:
The Pistons commanding tower. His index finger decides the movements of the players. A player that I like.
I also love the spiel about LB, although I'm not sure that everyone would agree with the popular part:
The great commander of the NBA and and extremely popular person/coach. His is pulled by teams from all over the U.S. He leads the Pistons to victory with a bold strategy and carefully thought out strategy.
Anyway, thanks Pete, this made my week.
Ironwood Flash, at 9:15 PM
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