Britt Robson to Wolves Fans - We Are Fucked
My man Britt pretty much sums it up. I can't begin to describe how much I hate Kevin McHale for how he's screwed up this team:
My man Britt pretty much sums it up. I can't begin to describe how much I hate Kevin McHale for how he's screwed up this team:
"So the heart of Kevin Garnett pumps red stuff after all."
In the vernacular of the north country, YOU BET! That's Bulls red.
Come on back to Sweet Home Chicago!
HP All-stars, at 12:55 PM
I think KG is staying put. . . at least for another year or so. But the Wolves have backed themselves into a hole. A lot of yall from Minny were yapping pretty hard after the Wally trade that Davis, Blount and Banks were looking good. . . but McHale really fucked up that trade.
The Green, at 2:51 AM
Agreed, Rat House. If the Wolves had made that same trade but still had Sammy, they'd be a 50 win team. Look at how many close games they've lost this year - it would be comical if it weren't so tragic. What they are missing more than anything else is a guy who a)understands how to win close games & b) can get his own shot. One guy who fits that description perfectly is Sam Cassell; one guy who doesn't fit it at all is Marko Jaric. Good thing McHale decided to give the second guy 40 fucking million dollars.
Jason N, at 3:00 PM
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