Kevin Love Will Tear Us Apart
Kevin Love - GQ's NBA Guest Blogger 2010-2011
My favorite quote:
"A message for my man over at ESPN, Bill Simmons. I heard that on his podcast, he was going through all the Vegas over-unders for every NBA team's 2010-11 season win totals. Apparently, according to Vegas, the over-under for our team is the lowest in the league, just 23.5 wins. Well, first of all, fuck them. No, I'm just kidding! But then I heard Bill took the under on our team—he said he thinks we're gonna win LESS than 23.5 games. Well, OK, Bill. You're my guy. You're a good friend. But you take it out on the Timberwolves a little too much. You need to give us a little more respect! And don't worry, that respect will be earned. We will GLADLY show you. Mark my words: we're going over 30 wins this year."
Anyone else want to offer an over-under for the Wolves?
Let's get it started!
If Love only plays 5-10 minutes in the 2nd half of games, I'm taking the under. What's up with that Minny?
Knick33, at 10:08 PM
I know. Where is the Love?
Love had a decent first half too -- monster rebounds, with just a few bad bounces on most of the misses. But Rambis was right that Tolliver was tearing it up. That guy works hard and is smart. He's always where he needs to be. Great bench signing!
Sac-town minus Evans should've been a win. Maybe we're going for the draft pick, in which case, I'll take the under too.
TVDave, at 9:51 AM
This is funny too:
Kurt Rambis Decision Making Chart.
TVDave, at 10:05 AM
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