The Moonball Blog

Monday, February 15, 2010


With the kind outflow of donations to Haiti and many more in need, I'd like to take this moment to acknowledge some of the most generous people out there - NBA Owners.

Not only has Jerry Reindorf brough me wonderful seasons, games and the central organizing elements for some of my best friendships, he is doing it out of the generosity of his heart.

This level of charity is uncommon in the world and deserves our thanks.

I am glad to hear Michael Jordan is looking to increase his contribution to the greater good.

As a side note, I do think the proposed 50% guarantee on contracts is a good idea.


  • Interesting article and comments from Falk. It's gonna be tough. If I were the players, I wouldn't want less, either. And no owners are going to open their books and actually show us what money they're losing.

    Being around Target Center, I'd say they are definitely on the losing end. Concessions are all down where many overhead items remain constant, and attendance remains bottomed out (because we suck). Some of those expenses are stupid things like Mark Blount and Brian Cardinal's contracts too, so you know that's bad news.

    It easy to say players make too much, but you see Oden or Shaun Livingston getting hauled off on a stretcher for putting their bodies on the line, and you see that they travel everywhere all the time, plus do NBA Cares stuff, appearances, interviews, blah blah blah. People get to talk trash about them and yell at them. It just seems like a lot, that I'd want some of that big money too.

    Partially guaranteed contracts though could work. Because while it's not fair to screw an injured guy, it's also not fair for teams and fans to be on the hook (especially with harder caps). It will be interesting to see this all play out.

    By Blogger TVDave, at 3:29 PM  

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