I got to wake my children up today into a world where Barack Obama is President, and tell them that Ohio was the first red state to turn blue.USA motherfuckers, USA.Peace.
posted by Jason N at 4:58 PM
USA does have a whole new ring to it. . . from sea to shining sea kinda ring
By The Green, at 1:26 AM
Hilarious item from ESPN article on LeBron lovin Barack:He was asked if he had any future political ambitions. Former NBA All-Star Kevin Johnson won election as Sacramento's first black mayor on Tuesday."No, not right now," James said of a future in politics. "I might see myself up there in a navy suit, red tie, nice."What about mayor of his hometown?"Mayor of Akron?" he said. "I'm already mayor of Akron. I've been that for about 10 years now."
By The Green, at 1:28 AM
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Them folks they ballin', they ballin', they ballin' on the moon.If you wake up now, it won't be too soon.
USA does have a whole new ring to it. . . from sea to shining sea kinda ring
The Green, at 1:26 AM
Hilarious item from ESPN article on LeBron lovin Barack:
He was asked if he had any future political ambitions. Former NBA All-Star Kevin Johnson won election as Sacramento's first black mayor on Tuesday.
"No, not right now," James said of a future in politics. "I might see myself up there in a navy suit, red tie, nice."
What about mayor of his hometown?
"Mayor of Akron?" he said. "I'm already mayor of Akron. I've been that for about 10 years now."
The Green, at 1:28 AM
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