Time for a vote
I feel like we should get the draft date & site wrapped up, so it's time for a vote. I'll post the results as soon as we've got 'em; vote early but no ballot box stuffing...(that's how we roll in the red states).
I feel like we should get the draft date & site wrapped up, so it's time for a vote. I'll post the results as soon as we've got 'em; vote early but no ballot box stuffing...(that's how we roll in the red states).
Jason - you are such a poser...if you were a real red stater, you would be asking for a Moonball ID Card.
HP All-stars, at 1:55 PM
I will abstain from the vote since it is unlikely that I will attend regardless of where or when the draft is held. For those who don't know already, Mariann is pregnant with a due date of Nov 1 making it not quite the best time for me to go away for a weekend.
I would be more likely to attend on Oct 21 in those locations in the middle of our great nation, obviously, but I'd call any chance of me coming remote... at best.
Knick33, at 4:58 PM
Davy - given your situation, I'd be happy to pick your team for you. Think how much less you'd have to worry about and how much more support to Mariann you could give.
I voted, but there's no way I'll make it regardless of locale.
Huskers, at 6:53 PM
Survey monkey! Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Survey my scrotum.
The Green, at 1:00 AM
Cous Cous, take no offense but the Isiah Thomas can pick my team before I let you do it.
Knick33, at 10:50 AM
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