Off Topic - Anti-McHale rant
I don't want to push Dave's MB post too far down the page - but can I just rant about this for a second? Every Timberwolves message board in the Internets knew the deal w/Banks' salary when the deal with the C's went down. The fact that an actual NBA team is run by a bunch of clowns that know less than a bunch of people on message boards is ridiculous...
I do think Kevin McHale is taking years off of my life...
To top it off, the bottom part of the article says Thud's coming his salary won't be off the books anytime soon either.
TVDave, at 10:06 AM
Banks sucks, fellas. I guareentee he is out of the L by 2009.
Plus, now you got Mike James (bitch)!
The Green, at 6:26 PM
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