It's a crying shame, right. Now everybody's calling themselves DJ this and DJ that. Kids, it ain't just Jazzy Jeff, Terminator X and Mixmaster needs to recognize the original DJ!
P.S. I shortened your link so it didn't mess up the right column.
How good was DJ? Well, growing up as a Knick fan there were only 2 guys in the NBA I hated more... MJ and Bird. I guess that makes him pretty good.
But can I get any love for Bernard King? He was unstoppable in his day -- both half court and filling the lane on the break. Injuries may have put the Hall out of reach for him, but he is still one of the best I have ever seen.
I agree that DJ deserves the hall, but his argument should be based on DJ's own merits, not that he was better or worse than Joe Dumars, which this homer doesn't necessarily believe.
It's a crying shame, right. Now everybody's calling themselves DJ this and DJ that. Kids, it ain't just Jazzy Jeff, Terminator X and Mixmaster needs to recognize the original DJ!
P.S. I shortened your link so it didn't mess up the right column.
TVDave, at 4:06 PM
How good was DJ? Well, growing up as a Knick fan there were only 2 guys in the NBA I hated more... MJ and Bird. I guess that makes him pretty good.
But can I get any love for Bernard King? He was unstoppable in his day -- both half court and filling the lane on the break. Injuries may have put the Hall out of reach for him, but he is still one of the best I have ever seen.
Knick33, at 4:29 PM
I agree that DJ deserves the hall, but his argument should be based on DJ's own merits, not that he was better or worse than Joe Dumars, which this homer doesn't necessarily believe.
Ironwood Flash, at 2:19 PM
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