Playoff predictions
Before I get to my picks, let's have some love for those of us that have teams on the outs:
-Portland (3 years)
-Knicks (2 years)
-Wolves (2 years)
-Sixers (1 year)
-Celtics (1 year - sorry Andersons!)
So I hope Abe, Tom, and the Cassells are appreciative of having teams in the playoffs, because being on the outside looking in sucks...(and Davey, your dalliance with the Wiz doesn't count).
Here's how the playoffs look from Me-Wolves Central:
Det (4) over Mil (1) - I'm tossing the Bucks a bone here, mainly because I'm not convinced a Flip-led team will show up for every game in a series. This could easily be a sweep, though.
Wash (4) over Cle (3) - Arenas is going to go nuts, and I guess I just like his supporting cast better than LeBron's. Though as I type this, I'm not so sure...
NY (4) over Ind (1) - Indy seems like a mess.
Mia (4) over Chi (3) - Chicago could win this, despite having the guys that have killed two straight Me-Wolves seasons (yes, I'm talking to you Sweet & Tyson. Bastards). They still need another guy to score, but they have a decent defender to throw at Wade and they guard well enough overall to stay in it.
2nd round:
Det (4) over Wash (1) - Arenas gets one game by himself, and that's it.
NJ (4) over Mia (3) - Fuck Riles.
East Finals:
Det (4) over NJ (2). This could be a sweep. In fact, you can make an argument that Detroit shouldn't lose a game before the NBA finals.
1st round:
SA (4) over Sac (1). I'm kind of hoping that Ron-Ron goes crazy on To-KNEE ParKHER.
Dallas (4) over Mem (2). This should be the best first round series. Memphis is sort of a poor man's Dallas (this year's version of Dallas, that is). I could see them giving the Mavs a scare, but this is Mark Cuban's year.
PHX (4) over LAL (1). I'm hoping the Mamba averages 50 a game and Lamar punches him in the face in game 5.
LAC (4) over Den (2). Yeah, Melo's hit some game winning shots, but I still hate that guy. And I'm way too excited about the possibility of Sam doing the testicle dance at some point. One problem for the Clips - Sam is not going to be able to guard either Miller or Boykins, but this series should be all about Elton Brand.
2nd Round:
Mavs (4) over Spurs (2). This is their year.
LAC (4) over Phx (3). I just refuse to believe that Nash is going to still be healthy by game 7 of the second round. Of course, you could just as easily make that argument about Sammy...
Conf Finals:
Mavs (4) over LAC (2). The Clippers' dream run ends. The players decide to do the right thing and vote Kevin McHale a full play-off share.
Home court is key - Det (4) Mavs (3). I can't believe Flip is going to get a ring and KG isn't.
You forgot the C's being out of the playoffs. . .
The Green, at 3:54 AM
. . . but otherwise I am digging your predictions. Can't say I have much an argument except that there is NO WAY the Clips are going to the Conference Finals. Phoenix is so bad ass. Nashy looked great against Portland. I think Marion and the three Weedblazers are going to be Dallas' foil.
Sheed vs Dirk will be absolutely beautiful.
The Green, at 4:01 AM
OK, first round has already started, but it's never too late for predictions.
Detroit in 4.
Cleveland in 6.
Jersey in 6 (possibly 7).
Miami in 5.
Detroit over Cleveland in 5.
Miami over Jersey in 6.
Detroit over Miami in 7.
Spurs in 4.
Dallas in 5.
Phoenix in 5.
Clips in 5.
Dallas over Spurs in 7.
Phoenix over Clips in 7. (Elton Brand is a rather good basketball player.)
Dallas over Phoenix in 6.
Detroit over Dallas in 7.
When I started writing this, I didn't expect to pick Dallas to make it to the Finals, but I believe they can win each of those series. If they lose before the Finals, it's to the Spurs.
Could be the first time in history that a city brings home the O'Brien Trophy and the Stanley Cup in the same year. And the Tigers are four games over .500 for the first time since ... a long fucking time. Ironwood Flash may have had a shitty year, but the real world fortunes might be more than making up for it.
jLev, at 2:01 PM
And the wb wrote:
"Nashy looked great against Portland."
Yeah, and he looked great against the St. Margaret School for Blind jv team, too, but what does that really tell us?
jLev, at 2:03 PM
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